शनिवार, 8 सितंबर 2018

अनुवाद अभ्यास के लिए कुछ अनुच्छेद

अनुवाद अभ्यास

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Advantage of getting up early in the morning is a good Start of our day work. The man who leaves bed earlier than Others can finish many hard work. Brain remains fresh in the morning and he can do the work carefully without any interruption. Besides he can get some time for light exercise to keep his body health); and sound. And he also gets a sound sleep.


For the poorer nations of the world, economic development has been the main focus of political activity for several years. More recently there has been a greater awareness of the special needs of the rural poor. More factories and dams do not necessarily bring any visible benefits to the rural population-especially the poor and the landless. There is a great deal of intermediate or low level technologies. It is widely believed that devices such as biogas plants, smokeless choolahas, hand-pumps and pit latrines can readily reduce the hardships of rural existence and improve health. And yet evidence that these technologies have found social acceptance is very limited whether in Asia, Africa or Latin Arnerica. A solution to this puzzle may lie in the fact that policy makers and field experts who analyse people’ needs and problems are usually males. Perhaps they do not take into account women’s specific interests and priorities in these aspects of economic development that touch their lives. These experts have rarely stopped to note that women may have definite interests in these new technoligies probably even more than men. Considering the poor as one monolithic mass, they treat the interests of poor men and poor women as one and the same.


 At present there are differences in minimum wages across States in various sectors. Such differences are due to the fact that minimum wage is fixed, revised and enforced by the appropriate governments for employments notified in the Schedule by them and there is no common provision linking their minimum wages. By universalisation of the applicability of the statutory right of getting wages not less than minimum wages has increased the probability of disparity amongst States. The concept of National Minimum Wage would ensure that there is less disparity amongst States in fixing their minimum wage and may contribute in providing a basic standard of living to all employees across the country.

Employee includes worker. Worker is sub-set of employee. Minimum wages has now been universalised irrespective of wage limit and type of work and therefore all categories viz administrative, supervisory managerial have also been included in the definition of employee to make it broad based. The word ‘employee’ has been used in the provisions which provide for minimum wages, payment of wages, payment of bonus and equal remuneration. ‘Worker” excludes the persons employed mainly in administrative, supervisory and managerial category apart from armed forces personnel and police. The word worker has been used to ensure that they can create dispute on fixation of bonus as per Industrial Dispute Act. Dispute can be created in case of fixation of Bonus and in non payment of minimum wages, bonus, untimely payment of wages and unauthorised deduction and a claim may be made which shall be settled by the claim authority and then, the appeal may be raised against the decision to the appellate authority.

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