मंगलवार, 19 फ़रवरी 2019


With the launching of Pradhan Mantri JanDhan Yojana, the financial inclusion received a massive impetus wherein its coverage and ambit was enlarged as compared to the earlier initiatives and it is operating under  defined timelines in a mission mode. Bank look at it not just as a social commitment but as an effective and profitable business proposition. Given the importance of financial literacy in achieving meaningful financial inclusion, Bank undertook financial literacy campaigns to educate villagers on various banking facilities and particularly, the benefits of savings, Aadhaar seeding, maintaining minimum balance eligibility for availing overdraft, usand safekeeping of Rupay cards eligibility of availing accidental and life insurance, lodgment of claim under insurance, micro insurance products, pensions, benefits of kisan credit cards, prompt repayment and availability of other retail and SME loans to them.

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