मंगलवार, 7 मई 2019



Digitisation is defined as the 'technical process' of "converting analog information into digital form" (i.e. numeric, binary format, as zeros and ones) and digitalisation is a process of leveraging digitisation to improve business process. From the day of incarnation as a human being, man has continuously been in the quest of knowledge and use the same knowledge in his overall development. With the advent of concept of digitalisation by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz  In 1703 in his publication Explication de 'Arithmétique Binaire’ initially developed as a base-2 numerical system, the concept of digitalisation took a leaping pace.The system was further developed and complemented by scholars such as George Boole (1854), Claude Shannon (1938) and George Stibitz during the 1940s.
With the advent of world wide web in the 1990s, digitization has changed the way we work, shop, bank, travel, educate, govern, manage our health, and enjoy life. The technologies of digitization enable the conversion of traditional forms of information storage into the binary code (ones and zeros) of computer storage. A sub-set is the process of converting analog signals into digital signals. But much larger than the translation of any type of media into bits and bytes is the digital transformation of economic transactions and human interactions. In 1755  Samuel Johnson publishes  A Dictionary of the English Language and includes an entry for “Binary arithmetic,” quoting Ephraim Chambers’ Cyclopaedia.
Today, Stibitz is considered one of many pioneers of the digital computer, through the development of the first electromechanical computer. The first electronic computer was introduced by John Atanasoff in 1939. With the development of personal computers,the process of digitalization accelerated. The producers of computers such as the Simon in 1950, Apple II in 1977 and IBM PC in 1981 the wings of digitalisation started flying higher.
The introduction of the  digitalization fundamentally changed, resulting in the increased pressure on the societal transformation process. In 2000, digitalization began to be used more widely as a concept and argument for an overall governmental introduction of IT, increased usage of internet and IT on all levels. A similar development began in the general business climate in order to raise awareness regarding the issue and opportunity. Further it became the basis for creation of e-governance and information society.Now a days digitalisation is being used in various fields such as political, business, trade, industry and media discourses. Following are few fields where digitalisation is widely used :-
1. In  hospitality management- Data in the form of online content is being transferred to the desired agency in the hospitality industry thus making it easier for the transaction of business between customer and the industry.
2. In e-commerce: The process of digitalisation has affected the whole process of business and it has resulted in advent of an era of e commerce where leading players of various industries have forayed their business on e commerce platform. It has resulted in development of infrastructure as well.
3. In banking industry : Digitalisation has transformed the whole banking business bringing every services to the palm of the customers. It has resulted in reduction of manpower in operation and delivery of quick services.It has facilitated introduction of services at at every nook and corner and with a vivid experience.
4. In training :With the increase of online learning tools and facilities organisations and individuals are looking for more flexible ways per personal development and all of it has become possible bringing trainer and trainee on a common platform from farthest corner of the world.
5. In healthcare: The information technology has transformed the whole healthcare industry from rags to rashes. The delivery of services and facilities have improved not only in medical consultation but also in the surgical intervention, and the advent of robotic surgery and use of artificial intelligence in the field has also improved overall delivery of health services. It involves storage and exchange of clinical data, inter-professional communication, computer-based support, patient-provider interaction and service delivery and education. 
6. In engineering : The field of engineering is one of the related field of digitalisation which is largely being transformed due to the digitalisation. To name a few leading fields of engineering we can relate space science, environmental science and infrastructure development.
            Every facility which is a boon to the society sometimes has its own demerits. And thus, digitalisation also carries some demerits. The main demerit of the digitalisation has emerged as a threat to the privacy and loss of personal data. This loss is a resultant of the negative and destructive activities such as hacking, fishing, whishing and so on. The theft of identity results in loss of money due to digital theft in banking transaction, unlawful data breach may result in the loss of vital security and secrecy information of a person or country. It may also lead to creation of artificial disaster leading to a massive catastrophe.
Despite all odds, digitalisation is a boon not only for human being but also for the whole universe.

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