मंगलवार, 18 जुलाई 2023

Certificate Course in Translation Admission Announcement




*अहमदनगर कॉलेज, अहमदनगर*( सावित्री बाई फुले पुणे विश्वविद्यालय से संबद्ध )*के हिंदी विभाग* *की* *ओर से अनुवाद का* *सर्टिफिकेट कोर्स* *ऑनलाइन* *शुरू किया जा रहा है।* 


Today's multicultural and multilingual society needs effective and efficient communication between languages and cultures. Practical application of translation will help students to apply as Official language officers in government offices like Bank , Railways, Defence , BSNL, etc.

 *_Name of the course_ :* *Certificate course in* *Translation studies. Hindi to English and vice versa* 

 *Organising Department:* *Department of Hindi* 

 *Name of the coordinator* : *Dr* . *Poornima B.Behere* 

 *Head of the department* : *Prof. Dr.* *Richa Sharma* 

 *Eligibility for admission* : *10+2 ( any* *stream)* 

 *Duration of course* :  *3* *months* 

 *Fees  : ₹ 1500* 

( U.G  Students can earn 2 credit points by joining this course)


*Mode of class is ONLINE*


 _For further details_ _contact_Coordinator: 9325331641H OD : +91 93702 88414


*Last day to fill the form  is 20 July 2023*

 *Classes will be on Saturday  and Sunday from 6 pm to 8 pm* 


*link to fill the form*https://forms.gle/5fRW9duCG1Xy1W9r8

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